Monday, January 25, 2016

An Icy Winter.

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm getting Transferred again! It's crazy! I'm leaving my 6th area. But Sister Hesen will be training a new missionary, one of the 2 new sisters. It's a small group for Sisters this transfer. It is kind of funny, because this whole district I'm leading, will soon be training other missionaries as well. 

*By the way one of the Elders got cut out of all the district Photos. The person who was taking those pictures thought it was funny...

There has been a lot of ice this week and a little snow. It is not safe to go out because of all the ice. So this has been a weird week. But it gave me a lot more time to pack than usual. I love Southern Pines. It sad to leave. I only have 3 transfers left. That is so weird. I'm going to miss people here. I hate leaving, but I love going to new areas. It's a very mixed emotion. When I arrive home in about 4 months, it will be hard for me to stay grounded in one area for a long time. I don't know how I'll be able to deal with it, but I have time to figure it out. 

I love being a missionary!

Sister Hesen will be a great trainer. We will see where the Lord sends me next. Sister Hesen told me that since there are 3 zones that are English speaking, and we realized that I have not been in those particular zones yet, so we will just have to wait and see. I love y'all!

Sister Kimberly Galloway

Friday, January 15, 2016

Updated Posts.

Dear Friends and Family, (January 11th 2016)

So, I have been asked to explain a little more about, 

~(The Book of Mormon Challenge)~ 

~*{IN}*~ previous letters, I hadn't told you exactly what this challenge is...this challenge was presented to me at the beginning of my mission. I have been taking it slowly in part, because I'm not a really strong reader, and I have the desire to get a lot out of my personal studies. So, here's how to begin the Book of Mormon challenge...

Your testimony will continue to grow as you begin this serious study of the Book of Mormon Challenge. Write your testimony in the front of your copy of the book, and then as you read it cover to cover, mark the fallowing in different colors. 

  • References to God
  • His words
  • His attributes
  • Doctrines and principles (this does not include the applications of such)
  • Missionary references and stories (including faith, baptism, repentance, the gift of the Holy Ghost, enduring to the end, calls to repentance and so forth...

  • Feel free to look for other things as well, however, you may want to just do these ideas first, before adding more, so you won't get confused. 

  • When you finish, be sure to write your testimony once more, but in the back of your copy this time. This way, you can compare your testimony to the one you wrote in the front of the book, before you began the challenge. 

As I have mentioned earlier, I have been taking my time, by reading slowly, so I can remember what I've read, and then apply what I've read and learned into my life. I just finished studying Alma chapter 24. I love the Book of Mormon so much. It is the word of God I know this. 

I have received a revelation from God's Holy Spirit, testifying to me that the Book of Mormon is true. I have seen it change the lives of so many others, for the better. People have sacrificed so much, so that we may read these words and learn of God. Try it. 

Read the Book of Mormon
Pray about the Book of Mormon

You'll know too.

This has been a great week. I was able to go on an exchange in Pembroke with Sister Higbee. It was nice to be back for a little while. I love Pembroke so much. I miss those I used to teach. 

I didn't get to see many people I knew there this time, but it was a good exchange, and investigators were found in both areas that day. Miracles do happen while missionaries go on exchanges. I love being a missionary. Sister Hesen is great! We are working hard and doing good. 

I love all y'all!

Sister Kimberly Galloway

Dear Friends and family, (January 4th 2016)

The leaders of our mission have been changing the amount of time missionaries are staying at the MTC, so...I'll be returning home a week later than what was scheduled. The date is now June 08, 2016. So I get an extra week on my mission.

This has been a good week. We found some great new investigators that we are really excited about. We are also excited, as we meet with investigators who are reading the Book of Mormon, I know it is true and my companion and I are getting excited about seeing the progress the investigators have been receiving. I love teaching the gospel. I've been asked to give a talk in Church next Sunday. I've given a talk in most of my areas.

So, I'm getting some practice with public speaking. I've always kind of struggled with talking in front of groups. It interests me as I check the tracking experience I've had on my mission, and to see how far I've become. 

We met a Bible basher who was trying to convince us that we believe that God and Jesus are the same person when we don't. It's frustrating when people tell you what they think is right about a religion, when they know absolutely nothing at all...then you try to tell them what you truly believe in, and they either don't listen, or that person just has a hard time fully understanding the things you know, verses what they know. Some people just want to argue. I've met a fair share of those types. Also, a random sweet lady who we meat tracking the other day, didn't want to listen to us, but was nice enough to give my companion and I scarfs. It was a hot day in December but it was sweet, besides, it's the thought that counts right? Plus, it's starting to get cold now. Someone sent me cookies this week. I hope y'all had a great New Years. I's crazy to think about how little time I have left for my mission. Part of me feels like I will just be a missionary forever, but I have about (149+7) 156 days left of my mission. I was only counting to see how many more days I have to study the Book of Mormon challenge that Elder Bednar encouraged us to do.

Experience before I go home. I'm in Alma right now. If I read a Chapter a day I have 28 extra days so I think I can do it. I love Sister Hesen. I'm so glad we got to be companions again. The time we meat for Church has changed with the new ward. Of course I've changed the time I go to Church many times this year. But it's interesting how this makes it easier for some to come to Church and harder for others. But Church isn't about what is convenient. It's about what is right! But that is hard for some to understand. I know the gospel is true. That is why I am our bring as many as will listen the good news. 

So here's the story of how we found two of our new investigators. We got a Bible referral from the Church for a man. He lives on the far side of our area so we called first and set up a time to bring it to him. He asked us to pray for him and we set up a time to meet with him. When we came he invited his wife to join us. They told us about a really bad car accident that they were in several years ago. It's a merical that they are alive. Ever sents then they have been seeking for God. A few months ago they got "Saved" at a Baptist Church but they still feel like something is missing. We interdused them to the Book of Mormon and taught them about the restoration of the Church. 

They were very receptive and agreed to read, pray, come to Church and meet with us again.I love this work. I love helping people find what is missing and come to know God and there Savior a little bit more a little at a time. I love being a missionary. It's a lot of hard work but it's all worth it. I want you all to know that I love you and care a lot about you! An other investigator we found by calling people who used to meet with the Missionaries. It was exciting that when we came to meet with her she had a very well loved Bible in her hands ready for us to teach her.she's a sweet lady with a lot of faith. I love hearing about people's lives and how God has lead them and strengthens them. Have you made goals for the new year? It's crazy that I'm going home this year. I love you!

Sister Kimberly Galloway

Dear Friends and Family, (December 28th 2015)

So last Monday our trio was broken up. Sister Spring got transferred. It was sad to say good bye so soon. We loved our trio! But Sister Hesen and I had a great Christmas! It was great to Skype home! Even Thought it was hard to hear everyone and it was short. But is was very sweet. I love my family so much. It's hard to be away from them but a small sacrifice for the medicals I've seen in NC. I am very grateful to the family who had us over on Christmas. There are so many people who have graciously allowed me and my companions in there homes to teach and serve them and I am grateful to them all. But expeshely to those who let us in on a night we don't proselight, still feel us and help us contact our family through there electronics and time. We've done a lot of tracing the last few days. It's nice how a lot of people are hope now.

Sister Kimberly Galloway