Saturday, June 25, 2016

I'm an RM! Hello, Utah!

Dear friends and family,

"And now it came to pass that [I] returned from the land of [Raleigh, North Carolina], after having taught the people of [North Carolina] many things which cannot [all] be written, having established the order of the Church...yea, [I] returned to [my parents] own house at [Utah] to rest [myself] from the labors from which [I] had preformed" Alma 8:1 Personalized.

I'm home! It's great! I miss NC so much but I'm home and it's good. This email address will not last me much longer. If you'd like to reach me you can try me at .

I love you all! Thanks for the support and love!!! Now that I am home, I will be spending some time with those that I left behind for the past 18+ months...AKA my family and friends. Things have changed a lot. 

I'm doing my best to become the type of RM (returned missionary), that I want to be. It will take time and dedication, but I'm doing my best. It's time to clean up, start over, and figure out what I want to do with my life. I feel like I'm trying to combine with who I was before the mission, versus with who I was as a missionary. But the truth is...I'm still me. The mission has changed me as it should have. I can't live the same way as I did before or on the mission. I have to make a new way (path). 

I feel like a fish out of water. But that's alright, it's part of the Lord's great plan to make me a better person. 

Flying home, "Hello, Utah!"

The missionaries on my flight.

Home, sweet, home! 
My crazy family at the airport. :)

I miss NC!

Friday, June 10, 2016

My Last (Official) Missionary Email

Dear friends and Family,

This has been a weird week. We've been trying to do as much teaching as possible with also have-ting to get ready for me to go home. But I have my bike packed and shipped off. I've got a lot of my stuff packed. 

It will be good to see all y'all. But it will be hard to leave here. I love North Carolina so much. We had an exchange with our Sister Training leaders. 

I got permission to go to Danielle's baptism in my last area. She's so sweet! It was beautiful!!

Sister Kimberly Galloway

Danielle's baptism!!!

Exchange with Sister Steenhoek

I might pack my companions and bring them home with me....

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Heartfelt Love

Dear Friends and Family,
I could not email yesterday do to a closed Library for the holiday. I hope y'all are doing well. This is my last week in the mission. My home coming talk is on the 12th. I'd love to see you there. I don't know how to feel about going home. I'm feeling like every emotion you can think of. It hard to leave my home here, but I am excited to see everyone back home where y'all are. Home is where the heart is. My heart is ripped all over the place. 
I got word that one of my investigators from my last area should for sure be getting baptized right before I go home. I hope I can go... The one that was going to get baptized this last week pushed back her date and the others the was getting baptized this coming week, I haven't heard if that's still on or if it got pushed back... 
We started teaching this really sweet old man this week. I think he will grasp onto the gospel really fast. 
This sweet couple in the ward was making guesses on how long it will take me to get married after the mission. He said 1 YSA activity to meet him and  6 months to get married. She said 1 year to get married. They are funny. They helped us with a hard lesson this week. They are great!
We had to go to Raleigh to get something from the mission office on Monday. So we asked for permission to go to the mall while we were there. I picked up a little souvenir. So that was fun. Then we got ice cream... 
Wow for me this is a pretty long email... I hope y'all like it. 
I can't believe it's my last week....Do any of you need my home email address? This one will stop working a few weeks after I get home. 

Sister Kimberly Galloway

The Grasshopper head I told you about a while ago...

North Carolina Raleigh Mission

Preparation-Day Fun

Monday, May 23, 2016

These are a few of my Favorite Things!

Sun June 12, 9:00 am Sacrament Meeting.

I hope y'all can come to my homecoming talk that day. I know that's like super soon. It's weird to think I'm almost done with my mission. I love my mission. I love serving and teaching. I'm getting tired of tracking, but I can still do it. 

We might of eaten some grasshopper this week. I hope not, but we don't know. Someone made us some collared greens from the can for us. It's a very bitter plant, so I ate it rather quickly. Most people that have made it for me, seem to place the meat and the fat, to add a little flavor to the dish. After we finished, our host, who was taking her time, found a grasshopper head in her dish... Where is the rest of it? Some of it could of been on our plates. The grasshopper was red from being canned and cooked. So gross! 

Elder Zwick and his wife visited our mission! It was so good! They talked a lot about the atonement. and to continue growing in a more spiritual matter. 

Last Monday our district went to see a Buddhist Temple. It was interesting. We sat at the feet of a monk, and he talked for a long time. It's neat to learn about other religions.

A sweet lady in the ward gave all 3 of us hair cuts today. It was really nice. I really needed it. 

We went on an exchange again this week. This time I stayed in the area. The grasshopper incident, happened while we were on our missionary exchange.

Our most recent convert, David, is going to start talking to the Bishop about getting the Aaronic Priesthood. I'm so excited for him. He really wants to get started on doing Temple work for his ancestors. He's so smart, and a lot of fun to teach.

Did I mention that it's weird being so close to the end of my mission...

I hear they are re-writing Preach My Gospel. I wonder what all they will change...

My companions are a lot of fun! I've had a lot of really great companions on my mission. I'm really blessed!

Sister Kimberly Galloway

Exchange with Sister Hanseen

Buddhist Temple Trip. I'm still not sure why we want but it was interesting. Me, Sister Carlile, Sister Spring.

New hair cut. (just a really well needed trim) It's been too long cents my last hair cut.

Buddhist Temple Tour

Dear Friends and family,

This has been a great week! We had exchanges. I went to Holly Springs for a day with Sister Hansen, that was fun. My Dad told me I'm giving my Home Coming Talk on June 12th. You should come if your free. I'm not sure how to feel about how soon that is. I guess it will be fine. I don't know what I'll say yet but I'll figure that our later. My district is going to try tour the Buddhist Temple today, as a District activity. I hope that goes well. I've never been to one. I'm not sure why everyone wants to go but I'm tagging along.

Sister Kimberly Galloway

Thursday, May 12, 2016

One Month Left

Dear Friends and Family,

This has been a great week! David got baptized and confirmed this week! He's great! He's so smart. We keep forgetting that he doesn't know everything. 

Luckily he still ask lots of questions which helps a ton. We had our interviews with our Mission President that morning of his baptism, So we were a little stressed about getting everything done in time but it worked out. We were so worried about the water being too cold because some of the members said they there were problems with that in the past. So we pored some boiling water in the font but then it was too hot and we had to add cold water. It was still on the warmer side but not too bad. 

I found out that Tashi from Chapel Hill got baptized. I'm so happy for her! And 6 people in my last area have baptism dates. Some of with is a family who's date is before I go home. I'm going to try to get permission to go! 
I got to Skype my parents for mother's day. It was nice. It's weird to think I only have a month left of my mission.  I love y'all!!

Sister Kimberly Galloway

Monday, May 2, 2016

Last Transfer

Dear friends and Family, 

I've been Transferred to Zebulon! This is my last Transfer, my 9th area, fourth trio and I'm up to 14 companions. I'm back with Sister Spring and now I'm also with Sister Carlisle. Sister Spring was in my 1 week long trio with Sister Hesen. Sister Carlisle was trained by the same Sister who trained my Trainer. So I call her my Aunt. In missionary terms, I am dying in Zebulon and being killed by both Sister Spring and Carlisle. Sister Carlisle goes home the transfer after me. She came out before me, I've known her my whole mission but she went home for a little bit, and came back so I'm still senior companion. 

I found out that an investigator named Dakota, a teenage boy that I thought was in Hillsborough, got baptized last month, and is considering serving a mission. I didn't teach him that much but I was one of his first missionaries so it was exciting to hear what happened. A lot of the time we don't find out what happens after we leave, and I leave a lot...

We have a baptism coming up in my new area on Saturday, which is also the same day, that one of my nephew's is getting baptized at home. His name is David, he is really smart, has come a long way, and is ready for this step. He will do great!

Several people in my last area were really close to getting baptized. I hope to get some good news about them soon. 

It's been a good first week here. You got to love small country towns. Does anyone know what Lizard Lake is? It's in my area...

We are staying in a cute little duplex. Some of the neighbor kids like to play in our yard. when we are home they ask us to come play with them. We can't play with them, but during our meal break, we go out and talk to them, color with sidewalk chalk and we just have fun with them!

Sister Kimberly Galloway

6 Weeks Left!

Dear friends and Family,

I'm getting transferred again! I'm not sure where I'm going yet. But I leave tomorrow. Sister Olson is also getting Transferred. Sister Higgins is saying. She will do great! I can't believe I'm going into my last transfer. 

I'm supposed to start the "My Plan" program which helps you make a plan for after the mission life, which I can use the help with. I have loved serving in the Cary 2/Raleigh YSA ward. I will miss everyone. 

One of our investigators set a baptismal date for herself. She's still has some concerns but she went out of town to Washington, drove past the Temple, and the Spirit told her to wait for a day. It was amazing to hear her tell the story and explain how she felt. I hope she remembers this experience. We have a Zone activity today. I hope it's fun... I hope we have enough time to pack.  I am leaving my 8th area, my 12th & 13th companions, 11 & 12th in field wards. I have 6 weeks left. I wonder where I'm going next? I love y'all!

Sister Kimberly Galloway

District, minus Zone leaders

Lots of Goodbyes. Above and Below, are just a few...

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy Easter! Everything is great!

Dear Friends and Family,

Happy Easter! I hope y'all had a really good one. I sure did! We had a lot of investigators and less active members come to Church. It was so great! We were so happy to see them. I know how important church is, and how much it will bless them. It was so exciting! We also had dinner with a bunch of people who don't have family in the area, so we all ate together. It was fun. 

This week has been amazing! We have been finding a lot of people to teach!! We had a great lesson with one of our YSA investigators. He's supper smart and loves to talk. He's so ready to hear the gospel and has a lot of questions. He has a hard time focusing, but he is doing great and learning a lot. With the help of a member, we were able to get through a whole lesson in one visit. Some members are great at helping our investigators focus. Members are great!! We had a Temple walk with one of our investigators this week. It was great! The spirit is so strong at the Temple. I love having the Temple in my area. It was great! 

My companions are great! Sister Higgins and Sister Olson are a lot of fun. 
Oh, and there was a day that we went and helped with the Bishop's store house during our normal study time. We were up by the Temple, so we did our study's on the Temple grounds afterwords. It was amazing! I love the Temple sooo much. I can't wait 'till our Temple trip which is coming up very soon!

I love y'all so much!!!

Sister Kimberly Galloway


Easter, Sunday Night, The Trio

Temple Walk. With Skye (an investigator). 

Studying at the Temple. #Loveit

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Piano 'Lesson' Learned

Dear Family and Friends,

Happy Easter!!! 

So, it's been another great week! I would love to tell you about a funny story that happened this week. We got to help one of our investigators, move a piano, from their first floor, to the top floor. I never realized how heavy pianos can be! 

Imagine watching 4 girls, taking a door off of a steep, narrow stairwell, and then trying to move a heavy piano up the stairs. We were able to get the door off, and had no trouble moving the piano across the room, and up the first two flight of staircases. My companions and I, decided to ask the owner if she had any neighbors that could help us move the piano farther, because it was getting difficult for us to handle the task on our own. She said she didn't really know any of  her neighbors. The lady and a sister missionary in our companionship, went around the neighborhood asking people to help us finish hauling the piano up the rest of the stairwell. When the sister and the owner of the piano had returned, there was a Mexican family, and a teenage boy standing behind them. We were so glad to have had more help with this project! 

With all of us working together, we got the piano up a few more steps. Plus, the stairwell was very narrow. This made it difficult for all of us to help once the piano was 'stuck' in the middle of the staircase. We came to a point, that we feared that the piano would begin to fall backwards, because the stairs were steep, putting the piano at a difficult angle.The father of the Mexican family, had mentioned that he had some supplies back at his house that would help fix our piano problem. He left to go get his tools, and when he came back he had gotten two pieces of ply wood, and some rope. With more helping hands, and some nice equipment, we were able to get the piano up the rest of the way. Moving the piano had become much easier, quicker, and safer.

Even though we didn't move the piano in the smoothest, quietest way, as well as some bruise marks on our bodies, and a scratched up wall, we were able to learn something from the journey, and we felt good knowing that we had accomplished a great goal. 

I would like to compare this to overcoming an addiction. The investigator had known that she couldn't do move the heavy piano all by herself. She decided to ask her friends. We could help her go a lot farther than she could go alone. She didn't know who else to ask. However, we were able to find more people to help us, who gave more insight and support with the issue at hand. There came to a point that not all of us could help anymore. But we were able to get more tools, and a new strategy to keep us from falling back. With a good support group, and a plan to keep us from falling backwards, we were able to get that piano to the top of the stairwell, and stay there. 

Love y'all!!!!
Sincerely, Sister Kimberly Galloway

Thursday, March 17, 2016

New Area, New Ways

Dear friends and family,

I got transferred to Cary 2 and Raleigh, YSA. I'm in a trio companionship, with Sister Higgins, and Sister Olson. Sister Higgins was trained by Sister Hesen. Sister Hesen, happened to be my MTC companion, and has been out for almost a year. Sister Olson just finished being trained. They are a lot of fun. 

While we are helping out with the YSA area, the Stakes are not that big. The Temple is in our area. No, we didn't get to go in this week. However, we were able to have a meeting by Temple, so we decided to take some pictures! We have a lot of great people we are teaching!! I'm mostly working on learning everyone's names, who they are, and figuring out how to get around. Sister Olson is doing great at teaching us how the area works, and what to look forward to! I love being a missionary. 

Sister Kimberly Galloway

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Go Forth With Faith

Dear Friends and Family,

Hey y'all! Hope you're all doing well. This has been another crazy week. Plus I'm getting TRANSFERRED again! This time, I know where I'm going! I'm going to be serving in the Cary 2nd Ward. I'll get to be in a TRIO companionship for the 3rd time. I'll be living and serving with, Sister Higgins and Sister Olsen (not sure on the spelling).  North Carolina is great, and this will be my 8th area that I've served in. I wonder if this will be my last area or if I'll have one more transfer? This transfer will be 7 weeks instead of the normal 6 (because of the MTC changes...#June8notJun1). 

We've been working on contacting referrals a lot lately, mostly from the Elders. We went on an exchange with the South Boston Sisters. We drove there and back to switch. They were fun. It's hard to leave Chapel Hill again. But I know I have made eternal friends there, and the Lord needs me to serve somewhere else now. I must go where he wants me to go.

Hymn No. 223 "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go

31243, Hymns, I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go, no. 270

Verse 1
It may not be on the mountain height
Or over the stormy sea,
It may not be at the battle's front
My Lord will have need of me.
But if, by a still, small voice he calls
To paths that I do not know,
I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine:
I'll go where you want me to go.

I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord,
Over mountain or plain or sea;
I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord;
I'll be what you want me to be.

Verse 2
Perhaps today there are loving words
Which Jesus would have me speak;
There may be now in the paths of sin
Some wand'rer whom I should seek.
O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide,
Tho dark and rugged the way,
My voice shall echo the message sweet:
I'll say what you want me to say.

Verse 3
There's surely somewhere a lowly place
In earth's harvest fields so wide
Where I may labor through life's short day
For Jesus, the Crucified.
So trusting my all to thy tender care,
And knowing thou lovest me,
I'll do thy will with a heart sincere:
I'll be what you want me to be.

Text: Mary Brown, 1856-1918
Music: Carrie E. Rounsefell, 1861-1930

1 Nephi 3:7
D&C 4:2 "

Sister Kimberly Galloway

PS. A profound quote from a friends email...quotes by Elder Bednar as he quoted Elder Hales 

"When you cannot do what you have always done, you only do what matters most"  

Went to Virginia...

...and back to North Carolina.

Exchange with Sister Dye

Exchanging with the Boston Sisters

Spring is coming...

 District, minus Zone leaders

Monday, February 29, 2016

Exchanges and Making Friends :)

Dear Friends and Family,

When your companion is a leader you get to go on lots of exchanges. This week I went on three. Two of which, I stayed in my area, and the other, I went to Durham. We had interviews with our Mission President and his wife. That went well, and they were kind enough it give us a ride afterwords, so we wouldn't have to walk as far as we were planning to in the rain. They are pretty great! The exchanges were fun. I love these girls. The work is going great! 

One of our referrals, was a sweet older lady who had ordered a Book of Mormon. When we called her to see when we could bring it to her, she said she didn't want a Book of Mormon. She wanted a Bible. So we told her we could bring her a Bible. Then when we went to her house, and gave the Bible to her, and she had asked us what the difference was, between the Bible and the Book of Mormon. We were able to teach about the restoration, and we ended up giving her a Book of Mormon as well. She agreed to meet with us again. I'm excited to teach her. She sounds like she has been humbled in her life and is ready to learn. She just wants to be very careful though. Which is fine. She sad she will be praying about the Book of Mormon, and the Restoration, which is exactly, what we want her to do! :)

Sister Kimberly Galloway

Sister Burdette D&C 84:8

Sister Steanhoek

Sister Carlile. Alma 29:9-10 &Alma 36:24

Thursday, February 25, 2016

A "Package" of fun.

*A "Package" of fun, is a reference to the phrase, A "Barrel" of fun. The word fun can also be thought of as work, since missionaries have "fun" working and seeing the progress of their teaching to those they serve, love, and teach.* - Shelby

Dear friends and family,

It's been a good week. We have some investigators praying about baptism dates. So we are praying for them to get answers. We've been working a lot on contacting referrals this week. I'm amazed at how cheap gas prices are right now. 

Also, one of my friends sent me some goodies that really made my day. 

We had a lesson with a family who have been investigating for a long time, and they told us what some of their concerns were. I thought of the same scripture that the church member who had tagged along with us, had also decided to share with this family of their troubles. Great minds think alike. It was great! I think it helped them. All we can do is offer the knowledge we have, and invite the investigators to act in faith, and to find out for themselves, if what they are learning is true. The investigators who I had mentioned earlier, are currently praying about baptism, and they have loved learning about this topic so far. 

I love being a missionary. Sometimes it can be really hard. During one of our lessons this past week, someone had asked if we (missionaries in general), have ever felt stressed or overwhelmed. I answered quickly by saying, "Yes, but it's worth it." She didn't think that missionaries were ever stressed about anything. But this is work. It's not easy being on the go all the time. Missionaries get rejected a lot, and than having to bare the things that are deepest in your heart to complete strangers all day, and every day. When you are a missionary, you tend to be putting yourself into other people's shoes a lot as well. But it is worth it because some people listen, and their lives will never be the same once their hearts have changed for the better of what our message had to offer. They are happier, and we are happier for having been able to help. No matter how hard it is. We are helping people come closer to God, and his beloved son, and we know that these people can live with them in the life to come. We bring peace, comfort, hope, love, and a warning, to those who will listen and learn from us, and other missionaries who share the same message. 

The church member said something that had touched my heart. There was no need to doubt what she had said, because I knew the it was true. The member's words went something like this,

"The goal isn't to become a better person, it's to live with God forever!!!"

I know that this goal is true, and that it can bring many of our brothers and sisters together with us, as possible. That is my testimony of the week! I know that God love's you. You are his child. You lived with him before this life. He has prepared a perfect plan to help us learn, grow, and to be able to return to live with him. We have left our families, friends, work, school and everything else to tell people about it. We have seen the blessing of the restored gospel  and want you to have them too. I love you very much. I hope you understand that my boldness comes from my love. 

This is why I'm a missionary. I can't believe how little time I have left. Of course I will always share the gospel even when I'm not a full-time missionary anymore. I look back on my life thus far. I have grown a lot, and I still have a long way to go, but I love God, and I have tried to show him my love in the way that I have been being a good example to those around me, as well as taking good care of myself.

Sister Kimberly Galloway

I got a package from my friend!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Much, Much, Love (Part 2)

Dear friends and family,

~ Happy Valentine's day! ~ 

How are y'all doing? I'm grateful that the buses were still driving today. When things get icy here things usually close down. It was snowing this morning and it's been raining off and on. We share the car. so we don't have it right now. We want to the mall this morning. There wasn't very many people there. 

Some of the stores were closed. But it was nice to look around. 

We are doing well. We had a neat experience this week. We found 3 investigators who are related in one way or another, like a kinship. I hope they all stay interested in learning more about the gospel. I'm reading in Alma chapter 48. This chapter talks about what it's like about being men (or women) of God. I've really enjoyed reading that chapter. 

I hope my family is doing alright today. I love y'all. I'm fine. I get to go see the Willow Tree in June. Love y'all.

Sister Kimberly Galloway

Durham Zone sorry you can't really see the back row.

Sister Fagergren and I 

Everything is wet and icy today.