Monday, May 23, 2016

These are a few of my Favorite Things!

Sun June 12, 9:00 am Sacrament Meeting.

I hope y'all can come to my homecoming talk that day. I know that's like super soon. It's weird to think I'm almost done with my mission. I love my mission. I love serving and teaching. I'm getting tired of tracking, but I can still do it. 

We might of eaten some grasshopper this week. I hope not, but we don't know. Someone made us some collared greens from the can for us. It's a very bitter plant, so I ate it rather quickly. Most people that have made it for me, seem to place the meat and the fat, to add a little flavor to the dish. After we finished, our host, who was taking her time, found a grasshopper head in her dish... Where is the rest of it? Some of it could of been on our plates. The grasshopper was red from being canned and cooked. So gross! 

Elder Zwick and his wife visited our mission! It was so good! They talked a lot about the atonement. and to continue growing in a more spiritual matter. 

Last Monday our district went to see a Buddhist Temple. It was interesting. We sat at the feet of a monk, and he talked for a long time. It's neat to learn about other religions.

A sweet lady in the ward gave all 3 of us hair cuts today. It was really nice. I really needed it. 

We went on an exchange again this week. This time I stayed in the area. The grasshopper incident, happened while we were on our missionary exchange.

Our most recent convert, David, is going to start talking to the Bishop about getting the Aaronic Priesthood. I'm so excited for him. He really wants to get started on doing Temple work for his ancestors. He's so smart, and a lot of fun to teach.

Did I mention that it's weird being so close to the end of my mission...

I hear they are re-writing Preach My Gospel. I wonder what all they will change...

My companions are a lot of fun! I've had a lot of really great companions on my mission. I'm really blessed!

Sister Kimberly Galloway

Exchange with Sister Hanseen

Buddhist Temple Trip. I'm still not sure why we want but it was interesting. Me, Sister Carlile, Sister Spring.

New hair cut. (just a really well needed trim) It's been too long cents my last hair cut.

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